The goal of the ABC Challenge 2023 is to read all kinds of books from each letter of the alphabet. I extend this one a bit and see how far I go in watching movies and TV shows or playing games in addition to reading books.
I will do that without any pressure on myself and only for the fun because those challenges are no competition and should be fun anyway.
I found a site where you can join the challenge easily.
I figured I would keep the page itself and only change the links occasionally so it’s relevant for the year. Because, at the end of the year, the content of this page will most likely stay the same. Only the links might change. So, I’ll keep it and won’t get hundreds of pages for the same thing every year.
Overview of the ABC Challenge 2023
ABC Challenge – books
Most of the time, I read a lot. I had some time when I loved contemporary romance and drama. But it depends here. Usually, I go with Fantasy/ Romantasy books before anything else.
ABC Challenge – movies & tv
It’s no secret I watch lots of stuff in a wide variety. Mostly, I avoid everyday romance, erotic, and Christmas stuff. I hardly do horror or thriller, but those can be fun occasionally.
ABC Challenge – games
Usually, I play all kinds of games, including many genres, for my own sake; however, I will exclude some genres as I don’t usually play them as often, nor am I interested in them so far. Usually, on this list are genres such as First Person Shooter, (Trading) Card, Horror and Thriller games, and more.