Mini: A Wild Hit? Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros (The Empyrean #1)

by Samy
Published: Last Updated on 4 minutes read
Mini: A Wild Hit? Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros (The Empyrean #1)Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros
Series: The Empyrean #1
Published by Red Tower Books on 5th of April 2023
Genres: Fantasy, New Adult, Romance
Pages: 528
Format: eBook

Fourth Wing (The Empyrean #1) by Rebecca Yarros is in the fantasy and romance genre and about twenty-year-old Violet Sorrengail, who was supposed to enter the Scribe Quadrant, living a quiet life among books and history. Now, the commanding general—also known as her tough-as-talons mother—has ordered Violet to join the hundreds of candidates striving to become the elite of Navarre: dragon riders.

I waited a while ’til I got to it, and through the hype, I had some small expectations.
I love fantasy, and it’s not my first read in that genre, which might be why I only think of it as mediocre.
Well, I enjoyed the read; I can’t decline that. But after all, I do have some criticism of it.

Review for The Empyrean #1 – Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros

I can’t say there’s lots of world-building going on

It doesn’t feel like it at all. Most of it occurs at or around the school, which is no secret here. Only at some point do they also go outside – when they have a test mission.

The love story between the MCs is pretty predictable and obvious

As soon as the two of them meet, or even before at some point, it’s clear what will happen.
I didn’t get the point of the FMC having a disability. I only got it because I saw a lot of reviews on Instagram mentioning precisely that.
Nor why she needs to become a dragon rider since she’s obviously “weaker” than others, and one mistake could mean death to her, more likely so than to others.

A lot is happening, but also isn’t. There are exams for them to survive. Constantly, the threat of death around. So, of course, you give it all or are about to die.

I laughed at the fact that riders can feel it when their dragons are horny. That’s indeed funny.

I don’t fully get the final chapter. Why the sudden change of view? I haven’t figured it out yet.

POV: 99% single/ female POV
1st person
Spiciness: 3/5

A second book, Iron Flame (The Empyrean #2), will be coming out in November 2023.

Have you read Fourth Wing yet (The Empyrean #1)? Do you agree or disagree with the hype? Please keep it spoiler-free.
Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

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Kathryn October 30, 2023 - 8:41 pm

I just loved it and if I am enjoying a book I don’t question too much. I felt the change of point of view was needed while Violet was out of it.

Samy October 31, 2023 - 10:29 am

Hmm I still question things I think of, even when I enjoyed a book. Those answers could still make me love that book even more in the end.
And yeah, it can be seen that way, for sure. I also know authors, who just describe it well enough for no POV switch needed and usually prefer that


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