Book Release – A Mortal Queen: Beast #2 is now available!

by Samy
Published: Last Updated on 3 minutes read

Happy Release Day to A Mortal Queen: Beast! The second book of the series by Sage P. Woods. It’s a fantasy romance series, following Kylin.
Since it’s the second book, please be aware of eventually plot spoilers!
Check out my ARC-Review for A Mortal Queen: Stolen!

A witch, a prophecy, a dark adventure.
Kylin is navigating the new world with the secrets she’s uncovered. She ends up on riskier adventures with dragons and werewolves.

A Mortal QueenGoodreads

A Mortal Queen: Beast – Release Day

A Mortal Queen Beast

Picking up right where book one left off.

Kylin, having recently discovered secrets hidden within the world way before her lifetime, finds herself right in the middle of the war between Elves, Vampires, and Mortals. While navigating her newly developed relationship, she is also preparing herself for whatever may come. So much is in the balance; her brother was taken by the enemy, a mysterious witch has the location of a long-lost family member, and the world is on the brink of war for Kylin’s own capture. 

This story takes her on new heart-breaking and riskier adventures with dragons and werewolves. Her relationship is put through unforeseen trials while her own will and determination are tested.  As a new adult, she is learning her true desires as she also discovers dark truths about the world her eyes were closed to for so long.

This second book is now available on Amazon & KU.

There’s also an audiobook, check it out!

For everything A Mortal Queen books related, check out – There’s some extra content available!

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Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer May 3, 2024 - 1:17 am

This looks good, of course I need to check out book one.

Samy May 5, 2024 - 9:52 pm

Yes, do it! It’s great!


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