Sunday Post – Happy Game Awards 2023!

by Samy
Published: Last Updated on 6 minutes read

Happy Game Awards 2023 on the Sunday Post on a Monday. How’s your life as a blogger and also as a site administrator? Because most of us usually only talk about the blogging part, we also have to keep a site up and running, which is an administrator’s task.

Sunday Post – The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received.

Welcome to another not exclusively Bookish Sunday! 📚✨ This is where we dive into the literary wonders of the week, exploring the reads, plays, and watches that captured me, reflecting on reading, playing and watching goals, and embracing the joy of all things nerdy.

I hope you all had a great past week! It wasn’t fascinating for me. I didn’t get to any reading, but I watched The Game Awards even a day late – and very much enjoyed it. However, I will not talk about it here yet. There’s a post about it coming soon, tho.

On-Topic Highlights

I joined Blogmas and am proud of keeping up the blogging routine! I might change it to a bit less until Christmas. Next year, I’ll do it the other way around.

I started season 4 of Sex Education, which is fun to watch, in my opinion. In all the prior seasons, I enjoyed the main cast a lot and am curious about what they’ll give us in this 4th season.

As I mentioned earlier, I enjoyed this year’s Game Awards, so I re-watched last year’s stream and started watching all of them since it began in 2014. It is so much fun to see how the event developed over time, and all the nominees are worth checking out, so I might even do that when I have a chance.

Fun fact: I always go for the whole stream experience rather than the most critical moments cut out in simple trailers or best-offs. I love the experience and overall feeling of the event, even afterward; that’s also why I started my Eurovision Song Contest marathon in May. So, yeah, I watched all 3 hours of the Game Awards stream, and I will most likely do it again.

Background things – Administrator Talk

Often, I don’t even mention most of what I’m doing behind the scenes because, in most cases, it’s not worth talking about it. But these weekly wrap-ups are an excellent place to mention off-topic and admin-related things. Because let me tell you this:

It’s not “easy” to keep a blog up and running and create one. Designing a theme – depending on your skills and tools available – can be quick, but spreading the word? Make sure to share everything on social media so there’s at least some traffic coming along? – Or that’s at least the plan because their algorithms usually suck. – Takes a lot more time and effort than available for a single person with a fair work-life balance can give.

Besides, every post has to have a specific value within ranking for SEO, or traffic from outside will not happen because people won’t just know about a site. Maybe they find it by accident, but that’s when someone is looking for a specific topic, and your site – or a related blog post – pops up on Google or social media.

But that requires keyword search and putting every post on a specific focus keyword + eventual related keywords, which aren’t too high in competition, or a simple hobby blogger won’t have a chance. Thankfully, nowadays, there are some handy SEO tools out there.

Anyway, my point is that it’s not easy being a site administrator as that often asks for multiple tasks on a single person. And it’s time efficient. Writing a post daily or on a clean routine is not all of it; that’s all I’m saying.

However, I joined Bluesky and enjoy the community so far. I have no idea how hashtags work or how to reach a specific audience, but I am sure I’ll get to it. Has anyone of you used it so far?

Looking Ahead
I still have a lot to do in the background. And it’s not getting any less but rather more. I don’t necessarily mind it too much since I learn a lot, making it worth it.
I watched Leaving the World Behind and Your Christmas Or Mine and will consider writing reviews for them. I wouldn’t have watched the latter, but I saw the sequel popping up, and I like Otis’ (Sex actor, so I thought of giving it a try.

Closing Thoughts
Thank you for joining me on this week’s journey. Remember, every page turned is a new adventure! Wishing you a week filled with delights of your choice! And, if you’re interested, check out the Game Awards. They also highlight the best Indies and best Indie Debut games. Until next time, happy reading, playing, and watching! 📖🎮📺✨

How was your week? Do you have a Sunday Post? Have you seen the Happy Game Awards 2023? Do you have a routine of daily/ weekly/ monthly, or yearly administrative things to do?

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