09/18/23 Favorite series EXTENDED

by Samy
Published: Last Updated on 6 minutes read

Favorite series EXTENDED – This week, it’s Monday’s question – favorite series. As always, I go the extended way.
Every Monday, a question about books, reading, literature, or blogging will be posted online. This one is about my favorite series. You will then have seven days to answer the detailed question on your blog.

At the end of your post, you will also share the same question with your readers, who can write their statement in the comments or go directly to the host. In this way, EVERYONE can participate in the action, whether they have a blog or not, and an exciting exchange can occur. If you want to participate, write a post on the current question or comment.

Favorite Series EXTENDED

For my extended favorite series, I would choose Kindred’s Curse Saga. The mix of fantasy and romance in The Folk of the Air was truly captivating, and I enjoyed following the main characters as they grew throughout the story.

Although it becomes somewhat predictable at times, it remains a fantastic series. I’ve had the opportunity to read an Advanced Reader Copy of Spark of the Everflame from the unfinished Kindred’s Curse Saga, and I loved it. The characters, world-building, and plot were all exceptionally well done. I highly recommend this book.

Moving on to my favorite gaming series, it has to be Assassin’s Creed as it accompanied me for lots of years now. I’d even call Assassin’s Creed II Brotherhood my first game. I enjoyed it and got to finish in the end. The following games with Ezio were lots of fun as well. Ultimately, I had lots of fun with the prota on his long journey.

And last but not least, there are the Spider-Man movies. I must say Tom Holland, taking on the role, has done an incredible job. The new Spider-Man film brings a fresh and youthful energy to the character while still staying true to the essence of Spider-Man. The action sequences are thrilling, the humor is on point, and the emotional moments hit you right in the feels. I can’t get enough of this series and eagerly anticipate the next installment.

Monday’s Question: Favorite Book Series

Folk of the Air is my current finished book series. I’d go with the Kindred’s Curse Saga for the unfinished series.
I like the Folk of the Air because it’s a great mix of fantasy and romance. I just loved the read, and the MCs are both excellent in growing through their story – separated and together.
It’s pretty obvious and predictable at some point, but it’s a great series for me.

The Kindred’s Curse Saga is so far unfinished. I read Spark of the Everflame as an ARC and loved it all. The character, the world-building, and the plotting. It’s a great book I can thoroughly recommend.

Favorite Gaming Series

MQ Favourite series ext - Assassins Creed Games - from the very first to Odyssey

In the gaming area, I enjoy the Assassin’s Creed games the most. My first game was AC II, and I loved the journey with Ezio through his trilogy.
AC III with Connor was also lots of fun, and he was obsessed with his enemy at some point.
Black Flag, with Edward, is a setting one needs to get used to. The player has to control his crew because the game will be played on the sea with a huge ship. It’s something I don’t know yet if I’m up for it, honestly.

Favorite Movie Series

MQ Favourite series ext - Spider-Man movies from the very first movie to No Way Home

For movies, it’s getting a bit harder. I enjoy Marvel movies most, like Avengers, the Iron Man trilogy, all those Spider-Man movies, Venom movies, etc.
They’re always fun to watch, and I could always watch them. Even tho the first three are long, and it takes a while until something happens, I love the actor.

What’s your favorite series?

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Tiana (The Book Raven) September 30, 2023 - 10:37 pm

I still somehow haven’t purchased any assassins creed games yet despite knowing I would love to play them. I am hoping during a sale sometime soon I can grab one and try them out finally.

Samy October 1, 2023 - 5:31 pm

It feels like there’s always a sale on those games. AC Mirage’s coming out soon, maybe there’s a chance for another sale and I haven’t checked it out yet but rn is the SHMUP Fest on Steam as well.

Tiana (The Book Raven) October 1, 2023 - 8:58 pm

I only play on PlayStation because I don’t have a good computer. There’s still great assassins creed sales on psn so I’m sure I’ll pick one up soon.

Samy October 4, 2023 - 5:41 pm

Gotcha! I play on PC ever since I got a good one but before that I played mostly on PlayStation haha
I bet there’ll be good deals on the Assassin’s Creed games as well. There’re different sites where they have cheap deals on games, even for PS, tho


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