11/14/23 Top Ten Tuesday | Popular Authors I have not read EXTENDED

by Samy
Published: Last Updated on 5 minutes read

Popular authors – Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January 2018. It was born of a love of lists, books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

This week’s Top Ten was indeed fun to put up. There are some Popular authors, publishers, and producers, but I haven’t had a chance to read their books, play their games, or watch their movies/ TV shows yet, as there’s a lot to catch up on. I still plan to go for some, but for others, I’m not interested. I am not big on horror stuff and try to go for it occasionally, but I am unsure if that will change much soon.

I’d love to hear your opinion if you know anything and can recommend it!

I decided to go with all three categories (reads, plays, watches) and cut them short to 5 each. So, it’s still a list of 15 as a small exception.

top ten popular authors
11/14/23 Top Ten Tuesday | Popular Authors I have not read EXTENDED 5

Top Ten Tuesday Popular Authors I Have Not Read

J. K. Rowling – Harry Potter and its world couldn’t get me. One day, tho, I hope to experience the magical world and Hogwarts.

Stephen King – I am not big for horror, so I haven’t read his work. Maybe someday, tho.

R. F. Kuang – I see Yellowface everywhere but can’t get over myself to read it. Poppy War is on my list, tho.

Tracy Deonn – One of this author’s works – Legendborn – is on my TBR. I hope it’s not too much of a young adult, but I’ll give it a chance at some point.

John Green – They’re just too much drama/ tragedy in what I know of the books.

Popular Publishers I Have Not Played

Activision/ Blizzard – I wouldn’t say I like FPS games or the genre. However, I plan to try Call of Duty at some point.

Epic Games – I’m not very much interested in the FPS genre, so Fortnite is not my usual type of game. I played Overwatch for a while, but it didn’t get me.

Square Enix – I have one of their Final Fantasy games, but I have not yet played it. I’m not too excited about it, but I will play it someday.

Scott Cawthon – I hear about Five Nights At Freddy’s from time to time, and it’s not my usual genre. I do support Indie games. And one day, I might give it a chance.

Popular Producers, I Have Not Seen

Batman Movies (DC in general) – I’ve never had the chance to get into DC, and their comics, movies, or games are available. However, I plan to watch them at some point and play some of their games.

Five Nights At Freddy’s – I haven’t played the game, but I’m curious about it.

Saw – It’s not my type of genre, but I’d like to give it a chance.

The Nun – It sounds interesting. I might watch it sometime.

Halloween – Like the last three on the list, it’s a horror movie, which I’m not up for. I might give it a chance, at least, tho.

There is a lot I have never read, played, or watched yet. I’m working on catching up on some, and others aren’t in my particular interest. Let me know if you have any recommendations I have to put on my list, and I will look it up.

How’s your Top Ten Tuesday going? Have you read, played, or watched anything on the list? If so, what did you think of it (spoiler-free)?

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Leslie November 15, 2023 - 3:53 am

Kuang is one that I highly recommend from that list! Poppy War though. I have not read Yellowface and haven’t seen the best reviews of it.

My Top Ten!

Samy November 15, 2023 - 8:45 am

I see, thank you for sharing your thoughts! I will give it a try!

Leslie November 15, 2023 - 9:42 pm

You’re welcome!

T.K. {Genie in a Novel} November 20, 2023 - 3:57 pm

I tried one John Green book and I was not a fan.

Samy November 21, 2023 - 2:59 pm

Yeah, I can’t really imagine to be a fan either but I want to give them at least a try some time

Lashaan Balasingam November 30, 2023 - 12:46 am

I hope you enjoy some Batman-related stuff if you ever decide to take the plunge! 😀

Samy November 30, 2023 - 8:52 am

I think the character and DC universe could be fun to check out, yes!


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