Sunday Post - 2024 is not done yet

Sunday Post – 2024 is not done yet

Last updated on September 23rd, 2024 at 03:37 pm

The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. Join in weekly, bi-weekly or for a monthly wrap up. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme

Since 2024 is not done yet, there’s still a chance to get some posts up. I feel like we jumped from February straight to July and now, we almost have October. No clue where the time went.
Last week, the rain finally stopped. So, the soil gets time to recover and all the damage prepared for repair.
The week prior, we faced the rain which was coming from Italy, over central Europe. So that was something big to deal with for sure.

There’re not many reviews in 2024, are there?

Admittingly, I haven’t read a lot the past few months. For that, at least I got to re-play Watch Dogs, and almost completed the run. Only one or so final missions left, so that’s a win.
Eventually, directly followed by either Watch Dogs 2, just for the nostalgia, Assassin’s Creed Mirage, Hogwarts Legacy or something smaller.
My bad of starting two of those amazing games on my list, plus doing the re-run of the Watch Dogs games. So, there’s a need to take it slow a step at a time.

Either way, that was my thoght to go with but then, I got back into Sims 4. So, right now, I’m trying to get the fun out of it. Considering all the bugs and glitches I constantly have (Does anyone else have so many problems with, e.g. the base game alone? No mods?), it might get me some fun for a while, until I will put it down again.
I honestly tried, started with the basegame only, no mods, and it was buggy as heck. Just no idea where that’s coming from. In a review or a thoughts post, I will go into more detail on this one.
Before I went back to Sims 4, for a while I had Guild Wars 2, which is a great MMORPG. There’s even the chance of playing it for free. Overall, there’s no subscription fee, which is why I personally prefer it before other MMOs.

For the watching part, I currently feel like there isn’t really a lot interesting stuff around at the moment. It’s either I know it already or it’s not interesting to me. Am I wrong on that? Or do I just not know how to find the good stuff?
Well, I watched The Crow, since the cover looked pretty interesting, which seems to be a remake. And actually enjoyed it, which is a first after a good while. Might even go with the original movie some time.
The movie after, got me into reading. Since I am just bored out of the current movie collection.

Where I started with Shadows and Runes by Isla Devon, since I’m waiting for the sequel of The Blackened Blade. Which is only a couple more weeks until it’s finally there! Loved the first book!
Absolutely need to find out about all the latest book releases and current ARCs. The rainy weather absolutely called for it to cuddle up with a blanket, tea and a book.
However, I started the Four Horsemen books by Laura Thalassa, and finished with Pestilence. I’m currently at the “second” book, which I don’t see as a directly connected sequel.

So, overall, no. But we still got time left, as 2024 is not done yet!

What else went on the last months?

I could finally get the move to my new hoster done, and am absolutely happy with it. At least I won’t have to wait a full weekend or holidays for support, since someone always around on their 24/7 support!
Please let me know, if there’re any errors or anything not working! As far as I can see, the migration worked. Just going through all the plugins, and if I’d still need them.
E-mails should be back on working! I absolutely did not recognise them being unavailable, sorry about that!

Plus, if there’s one thing, I never stopped working on the blog. I am constantly on fixing stuff and lurking. So, no worries about that, I’m still around. Insamyniac is my, almost, 2 year old baby. I won’t give it up.

Along the line somehow, I try to get some of my other hobbies up again. The most important part for me is to keep enjoying my free time. There’s time when I get plenty and then there’re weeks on not having a lot of it. I’m sure, nowadays that’s seen as pretty common.

Anything else bloggish to tell?

Either way, I want to finish some posts up soon and get my routine back. Just not sure yet, if it’s a good idea to post this one, since I can’t tell, if I get to any more posts soon. As always, I will keep doing my best anyway.

Update: Temporary theme change

I decided to temporarily switch to another theme, until I’ve found one that’s good to go for 2025. Because I discovered of the old one to have a broken dark/ light mode switch, and I personally prefer dark mode. At least on my own websites, you know?
Let me know what you think!

But do tell: How were your last weeks, months going? Do you feel like some time’s missing as well?

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    1. Oh the rain was long overdue, yes. But it rained for 3-4 days around 300ml. Which is slightly too much of what the soil can take. So, I’m glad, it all stopped!

      I didn’t know of this classic or the accident 😕

    1. Thanks!
      Yeah, this year has been really weird so far. Not sure, if it’s a good thing of being over so fast, though!

  1. Oh yeah the sims 4 is incredibly buggy – I can’t play it because I don’t have the specs or consoles but I watch enough simtubers to know it.

    I love assassin’s Creed games! I’ve played a bit of black flag and most of odyssey so odyssey is basically my favourite haha. I’ve watched gameplay of nearly all of them (just Valhalla and mirage left).

    1. Yeah, I currently have to play on my older laptop which apparently runs it pretty well, lucky me, Ig 🤣
      Although, the bugs got better the more mods I use, somehow, which I see as a good thing, though 😆

      Ooh! I tried Odyssey but admittingly, it’s just too much. I don’t have the headspace for that game after a usual workday. Only weekends, if I’d be up for it. And mostly I’m not, which is sad.
      Have you heard of AC Shadows which is to be released.. next week or so? Quite curious about it, ngl! But I think Steam users might have to wait again *sigh*

  2. I feel like time has flown by too! I can’t believe we’re almost in 2025 😮. I hope you can find a theme that you like for next year, I’ve been debating looking for a new one too haha 😂 & I share your preference for dark mode on most websites for me as well! Anyways, thanks for visiting my blog earlier and I look forward to see what you post next 🙂

    1. Ikr! It feels way too fast!

      Yeah, I wish you luck on finding one as well!

      You’re very welcome!
      And I’m working on it! Thanks for the comment ❤️

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