WWW Wednesday 29 January 2025 New
Welcome to this week’s WWW Wednesday 29 January 2025!!
WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam @ Taking on a World of Words, where you answer the three following questions:
- What did you recently finish?
- What are you currently reading?
- And, what do you think you’ll read next?
Let’s see what I have been reading… (All images will link to Goodreads if you click on them. Potentially.)
What I finished

Title: Red Dead Redemption 2
Series: Red Dead Redemption
Played: January 2025
Rating: 10/10
Such an incredible game! It was my mistake when I played RDR 1 some years ago, since the second game is chronologically the first and tells the pre-story to 1.
As I knew that game already, I didn’t expect to end up loving 2 so much but I did. The story, character interactions and progression. How each of them impact one another and let alone the world setting, environment and – since I’m a horse girl – such amazing horse animations! The ending truly got to me, as I deeply enjoyed Arthur’s journey.
The game was more than I could expect and I am so excited for the next game!
What I’m reading
The Starlight Heir
When I started this read, I was curious about it. It sounded promising to me and also like a perfect fantasy read to go for the new year.
Sadly, what I got out of it so far is not as satisfying as it could be. It’s dragging itself immensely to a point, where I think it wouldn’t be wrong to skip some parts and have it shorter.
At the beginning, the good brother vs bad brother thing was absolutely fun. That was until approximately one third of the book, where the setting changed a bit and turned into an adventure.

The Bond That Burns by Briar Boleyn
As it’s the sequel to On Wings of Blood of the Bloodwing Academy series, and while I enjoyed the first book a lot. For that, book 2 disappoints me quite a bit so far. As the characters, mainly the MMC, is acting like a full-time idiot and suddenly gets his switch flipped to realize his behaviour being wrong. I’m not the biggest fan of the bullying type.
What I’m playing
L.A. Noire
I only just started it since I was in the mood to play some classics. So far, I really enjoy the game. As there’s not much to tell yet besides the game being old but still running well on SteamDeck, how good the facial expressions are for its time and the details on the investigation.

House Flipper
This one’s such a great game, I simply love (re-) decorating houses to the finest with simple details. Cleaning them up to go for new owners. Only the painting is slightly annoying, as it really takes some time.
The skill tree is simple-built and quick to build up. There’s not really a storyline to go and at the beginning, there are some jobs to get into the tasks and learn how to approach the steps. Later on, the goal is to buy, clean, (re-) decorate and sell the buildings, which get unlocked on the jobs. As soon as they have been bought once, they can be bought multiple times.
What I’m watching
My Demon
Well, I’ve never cared about K-Drama and wouldn’t have Squid Game realized as such, as it barely registered as drama for me. However, since I couldn’t find shows with a similar setting, I started getting into some shows. My last one I actually kinda liked was When The Phone Rings. For now, I found My Demon.
Sound effects are quite off sometimes, as it just doesn’t entirely fit the situation but fakes its purpose of being funny at times.
That aside, the MCs are quite entertaining and really adorable together, so I kept watching.

What’s next?

Hey Samy, let’s see if this works! 😃
My colleague has been urging me to try RDR but I’m hesitant about getting it on Switch. Will have to see if there’s a demo or something that I can try! You’re the second blogger I’ve seen mention that Starlight Heir isn’t that great so I think I’ll be taking it off the TBR cos it doesn’t sound like it’ll be worth buying. What a bummer cos that cover is stunning! Behooved is another title that I’m really looking forward to this year and I hope that it’s better than Starlight, lol. Happy reading!
Works, yay!
Didn’t know RDR is on Switch! However, RDR2 is the chronological first game and before RDR. I personally love it tbh! Dunno, if I’d choose it on the Switch though.
Yeah, I love the cover! However, so far it disappoints me. Still 1/3 left, so maybe it turns around, though!
Yes, Behooved sounds so fun, absolutely excited for it!